Walk Without Fear Trust gained charitable status from the Department of Internal Affairs (DIA), a in 2023. Our registration number is: CC61650. Our official mandate is: To promote awareness of the devastating consequences of “one punch” attacks and other forms of social violence on the victims and their families. You can read more about our mandate on the Charities Register.

We are a collective of friends, martial artists, and everyday Kiwis united by a shared vision: a country free of social violence. Most of us have personally experienced or witnessed the pain of social violence in its various forms, and we all refuse to stand idly by.

We believe that while we are still here, we have the power to make a difference. Together, we can create a future where this uncontrolled violence is not the answer. If you are interested, there are many ways to contribute or join us:

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More About Our Mission:

To eliminate the tragic impact of social violence in Aotearoa, New Zealand, by promoting awareness, education, and community-based solutions. We honour the memory of Fau Vake, a young life lost to violence, and strive to create a safer future where every individual can walk freely without fear.

We will achieve this through:

  • Promoting awareness of the devastating consequences of one-punch attacks and other forms of social violence on victims and their families.

  • Advocating for positive societal, cultural and legislative change to prevent such events and tragedies.

  • Fostering a culture of respect and
    non-violence in Aotearoa.